Monday, July 19, 2010

Restaurant: YEAH! Burger

Gone are the days of me asking for my burger without the bun and the waitress going; "so I take it you don't want the fries either?"  No, I want the fries, if they're gluten free, I just don't want the bun!  In short, I'm addicted to this place. 

I have been here probably 3 or 4 times now.  The buns are not always consistent, but it does seem like the bakery they use is getting better.  The last few times I was there they were good, and didn't fall apart.  All of us who have had a gluten free bun, know they don't stay together very well.  I highly recommend you check it out.  Even if you don't eat gluten free, it's good, and has a great vibe.  In the old West Egg they have redone the place to have an awesome patio.

Oh Yeah, they have gluten free beer too!  They serve Bard's and Greens.  I truly enjoy Greens, it's a Belgium beer and is one that won't turn your non-gluten free friends away.  It does only come in the pint bottles so you may want to share.

Shaun Doty is behind Yeah Burger!, so if you like Shaun's you'll enjoy this place too.

Gluten Free Foods My Be Contaminated

Hi all,
I'm sorry I've been MIA.  I've had friends and family visiting, and then have been traveling.  But I'm back and ready to share more.  My travels include lots of good things to share. 

In the first post from my hiatus, I want to share this eye opening article that was on MSN today.  I have to admit, I actually thought foods that were packaged with the gluten free label were being tested and there were FDA regulations on when you could mark something gluten free. 

Now, those items tested that were contaminated in this article were not labled gluten free, but it's still worth reading if you are on the super sensitive side and can't have a fleck of gluten.

Happy Reading!